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Patrice Gaines

Patrice GainesBest-selling author, speaker and writing coach (Charlotte area)
An award-winning Washington Post reporter explores the twisted path she traveled to find her place as a confident black female in a world that values whiteness and maleness. Here is a rich and insightful story of a life lived on the edge by a woman formerly preoccupied with pleasing everyone but herself.
Patrice Gaines was a newspaper reporter for 23 years, working as a reporter for The Washington Post for more than 16 years. While at the Post she wrote two books and won several prestigious awards for her journalism, including the National Black Journalists First Place Award For Commentary. She was part of a reporting team that was a finalist for the Pulitzer and was a Journalism Fellow at the University of Michigan. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including Essence and the New York Times Magazine. In addition to writing for publication, her commentaries have been broadcast on National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered” and NPR’s now defunct “Blues & Notes.”